paragliders hero imageparagliders hero image







Cut the patch making sure we have plenty of overlap.

Cut the patch making sure we have plenty of overlap.

This is the rip we need to repair.

This is the rip we need to repair.

Cut the patch making sure we have plenty of overlap.

Cut the patch making sure we have plenty of overlap.

Round the corners of the patch to spread the tension.

Round the corners of the patch to spread the tension.

Carefully roll the patch onto the tear whilst holding the material either side taught. Carefully roll the patch onto the tear whilst holding the material either side taught.

Carefully roll the patch onto the tear whilst holding the material either side taught. Carefully roll the patch onto the tear whilst holding the material either side taught.

Keep easing off the backing paper till the patch is completely stuck down, make sure there are no air bubbles.

Keep easing off the backing paper till the patch is completely stuck down, make sure there are no air bubbles.

The finished repair. On a large tear like this you should stick a repair patch on both sides.

The finished repair. On a large tear like this you should stick a repair patch on both sides.

