Ozone Chelan Open 2023
Published on:
22 Aug 2023
Das Ziel der Ozone Chelan Open ist es, ein solides Umfeld zu schaffen für Lernen, Sicherheit und Wettbewerb, und es neuen Wettkampfpiloten zu ermöglichen, sich in einem Rahmen zu entfalten, in dem alle Gleitschirme die Kategorie C Klasse oder niedriger haben.
Dieses Jahr wurden bei den Ozone Open in Chelan,Washington, 3 Durchgänge von 71 bis 103 km Länge durchgeführt.
Jeder Tag beginnt mit einem Mentoring beim Start, das dieses Jahr auch unser Ozone R&D Pilot Russ Ogden mit unterstützt hat.
Nick Greece berichtet:
“Russ Ogden kicked off his American tour with a lecture to the Seattle free flight community surrounding what it takes to bring a paraglider from concept to certification including a deep dive into what certification actually means and what each test by the testing house determines.
Next stop was the Ozone Open where Matt Senior and Austin Cox (Northwest Paragliding) have been running a world class mentoring competition for the last three years. The Ozone Open is a has numerous classes that max out at C level wings. Mentoring is led daily by Ozone team pilot, Nick Greece, and this year Russ Ogden, Bill Belcourt, Galen Kirkpatrick, Anneka Herndon, Austin Cox, Julie Spiegler, and Owen Shoemaker provided deep insight into cross country flying and racing paragliders.
The weather this year was less than ideal but the comp still managed three great tasks including a final 102 km banger that saw 97 happy pilots land in goal!
On the non-flyable days multi-hour mentor sessions were held as well as a lecture from Professor Ogden on best techniques for flying 2-liner gliders.
Daily prizes were awarded every day to non mentor winners of the day in every category and many newcomers had personal bests! After three tasks the meet was won by long time Ozone pilot and US Team Member, Owen Shoemaker, Austin Cox was second and Professor Russell Ogden coming in third. All flying Photons."
In der Damenwertung hat sich Galen Kirkpatrick mit ihrem Photon den Sieg geholt, gefolgt von Lynsey Haynes and Blake Fletcher, ebenfalls mit dem Photon.
Alle Ergebnisse sind hier zu finden:
Wir gratulieren allen Pilotinnen und Piloten recht herzlich, und cchicken ein Cheers vom gesamten Ozone Team.