MONARCA EXPEDITION: World Record Vol-Bivouac Flight
Published on:
01 Dec 2020
Ben Jordan crosses USA with massive 2,835 km vol-bivouac expedition.
Inspired by the incredible migration of the Monarch butterfly, over the spring and summer of 2020, Ozone Team Pilot Benjamin Jordan became the first person to paraglide from Mexico to Canada, setting a new Vol-Biv World Distance Record (2835 KM) and completing the first ever un-powered paraglider journey across the United States.
From the scorched earth of southern Arizona, across the red rocks of Utah, above the towering peaks of Idaho and along the endless rockies of Montana, Jordan dedicated 150 unforgettable days to the completion of this extraordinary vision.
Monarchs are the world's furthest migrating butterfly. Over four generations, they fly all the way from Mexico to Canada and back, completing the 7000 km round-trip each year. Exactly how they manage to find the exact same overwintering site that their ancestors overwintered on the previous year, remains a mystery to scientists to this very day.
Just like the Monarch, Benjamin's remarkable journey was completed without using fuel or power of any kind, but by simply relying on his glider and understanding of the natural world.
For more on Ben’s adventure, follow us on Facebook and Instagram .
For track logs visit: www.monarcaexpedition.com
Congrats Ben and Cheers from all the OZONE team!