It has been reported to us that the center main A lines on some EnZo wings are stretching at a faster than normal rate. We now recommend that all EnZo pilots have their lines checked and measured by a professional after no more than 50 hours of flying time. It seems that commonly the AR1 and AR2 lines are stretching approximately 20mm.
If your lines have experienced this elongation, we recommend returning them to trom as soon as possible. Simple trimming of the affected A lines, or by replacement of the lines, however we recommend a loop on the maillon of the appropriate length if any stretching has occurred. Please do not trim or adjust your EnZo without the assistance of a professional repair and inspection facility and if you choose to return the lines to trim by adding a loop on the maillon please take care to not damage the lines on the sharp threads of the maillons. EnZo line length charts can be found on the product page. Replacement lines for the EnZo and all OZONE wings can be ordered from your local OZONE dealer.
Sorry for the hassles, but as the EnZo is a very high performance wing, it is important to maintain a high level of tuning as its tolerances are very low.
Cheers from all the Team.