Ozone Pilots Win PWC Sun Valley
Published on:
01 Sep 2012
The PWC has returned to the USA, this time to Sun Valley, a region of the US where massive XC flights across unpopulated terrain are commonplace during the hot summer months. Conditions for the PWC were difficult, but two valid tasks were held. Mark Watts of Great Britain took first overall, and shared the podium with Kiyoshi Nariyama of Japan, both flying their EnZos. Full results here. Ozone Team Pilot, Raul Penso, was also crowned the 2012 PWC Americas Overall Winner, and Yayoi Ito of Japan made the women's podium flying her Mantra M4. Thanks to everyone who flew Ozone, and a very special thanks to all of the pilots and SAR volunteers who worked tirelessly on the search for the injured pilot, who was found while making an incredible effort to self-rescue and given a ride in a Blackhawk helicopter instead! Cheers from all the Team.