BAPTISTE, CHARLES und das OZONE TEAM gewinnen in Mazedonien
Published on:
27 Jul 2022
Nach sieben gültigen Durchgängen ist der PWC in Krushevo, Mazedonien, zu Ende gegangen.
Der Gesamtsieg ging an den OZONE Teampiloten Baptiste Lambert, gefolgt von seinem Teamkammeraden Charles Cazaux. Beide flogen Enzo 3 & Submarine. Der dritte Platz ging an Daniel Tyrkas, der ebenfalls mit dem Enzo 3 unterwegs war.
In der Damenwertung holte sich Constance Mettetal den Sieg, gefolgt von Keiko Hiraki (Enzo 3) und Kirsty Cameron (Zeno 2).
Den Teamsieg holte sich das OZONE Team.
Ruth Jessop berichtet vom PWC:
"With another day of blue skies and lots of sunshine a fast 85 km corridor task was set taking the pilots south, almost to Greece.
With initial climbs maxing out at 2600m, the day and subsequently today's task started with a super gaggle all compressed tightly up against each other before the start opened and the mass of wings descended onto turn point one as one huge mass.
Ping-ponging between turn point one and two the group held its form well, but at the transition to the third turn point the flats appeared to be the crux and soon enough the gaggle became two and some scattered stragglers.
There were some great climbs in the flats up to 4.5ms and, while not all were as giving, there was an abundance of lift.
The lead gaggle had put some space between themselves and the second gaggle by the transition to the last turn point. True to form this week. the leaders got stuck just before the end of speed and were overtaken by the following gaggle, radically changing the scores.
The final glide was buoyant and provided a lifty line in for many and a full bar ride to ESS before a glory glide to goal.
What an amazing week. This is only the second time we have had a seven-task competition in Europe. The pilots flew a cumulative 70618 km, more than 1.75 times around the world.
What a stunning performance from Baptiste Lambert winning his third World Cup here in Krushevo. He was in the top 2 in 5 out of the 7 tasks! This morning he knew that he could stay in bed and still win.
Charles Cazaux improved on his 3rd place, in the 2012 World Cup here in Krushevo, by coming 2nd this time.
Well done to Constance Mettetal winning her third World Cup, coming 5th overall in task 6.
Keiko Hiraki was 2nd lady here in 2014, and 2nd lady here again in 2022.
The pilots enjoyed an amazing variety of scenery from lakes, hills and mountains to the wide expanse of corn fields and sun flowers smiling up at them.
Thank you to the people of Krushevo for letting us share their beautiful village and their wonderful blue skies”
Hier findest du alle Ergebnisse: https://live.pwca.org/scores
Gratulation an alle Piloten und ein Cheers vom Ozone Team.
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