Published on:
08 Sep 2020
Joachim Oberhauser has taken first overall at the Italian Championship in Cuorgné. Six tasks were flown in a highly competitive field. Joachim flew his Enzo 3 and shared the podium with Christian Biasi (Enzo 3) in third.
Silvia Buzzi Ferraris took the women’s title on her Enzo 3 and the Serial Class was won by the Italian Team leader Alberto Castagna who was flying the Zeno.
In Joachim’s words:
“We have been really lucky to be able to compete in these difficult times, out of the covid-19, also the meteo isn’t so friendly this year, but in Cuorgnè it has been OK. We run six tasks structured over the mountains and the flatlands, but cloud bases aren’t so high in August, therefore the competition has been very technical. I really enjoy the competitions structured on more days, as I can get the right mood to be more competitive. I have to say that I’m really happy of my Enzo 3. In my opinion, currently it is still the best glider on the scene, it is safe, therefore it can be flown by a wide number of pilots, it glides perfectly, but you feel the big difference when you enter or exit from a thermal, as it manage the turbulence and makes these transitions easy and safe.”
Congrats and Cheers from all the Ozone Team.