Ozone Welcomes Luc Armant to the Team!
Published on:
04 Aug 2008
Luc Armant has now joined the Ozone Test and Design Team to work together with David Dagault (cheif test pilot and designer) and Russel Ogden (test pilot). We are extremely happy to have Luc with us and very excited to work with him on new projects. We have stolen Luc from the Fluid Dynamics industry, where he worked as a fluid dynamics and hydrology expert as a Naval Architect and Engineer. Luc and Dav have already collaborated on some incredible new designs that are a long way from becoming part of our serial glider line but are impressive and fascinating to say the least - sorry, we can't tell you any more for the moment! In Luc's words, he likes to work on "Complex projects involving fluid dynamics, and finding solutions to technical problems." Luc, we think you're going to like your job here. Luc is also an excellent, yet humble, pilot. Last year Luc made an incredible solo vol-bivouac flight in the Himalaya using an Addict Lite, and he has also proven himself to be a formidable competition pilot. Thanks for coming, Luc, we look forward to the future! Cheers from all the Team.