Monaco to Peking - Update
Published on:
04 Aug 2008
Gabriel and Fred are now a significant part of the way into their 10,000km journey from Monaco to Peking, and are currently in Kazakhstan. The guys report that the Vipers are going very well, handling a massive range of conditions including serious turbulence over unlandable terrain! They are also testing a new Viper2 proto, we'll get back to you with more news on that soon.
For the moment the most recent videos they have are from several weeks ago in France and Italy, if you want to check them out then go here: http://www.campdebase.fr/Camp_de_base/MONACO.html and the home page of the two adventurers can be found here: http://www.monacopekin.com/
Stay tuned for more, and wish them luck as they Viper their way across the wildest parts of Asia.
Cheers from all the Team.