Published on:
31 Mar 2024
Michel Macquet (Titi) und seine Frau Blandine Macquet haben einen neuen Geschwindigkeits-Weltrekord aufgestellt: 100 km hin und zurück mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 34,9 km/h im Kerio-Tal in Kenia.
Er schreibt uns dazu Folgendes:
“Last November, I went to see Honorin so that we could spend some time together. During the weekend I talked to him about my plan of competing again. It’s already been 10 years since I stopped flying PWCs.
While we were talking about it, he told me that there would be a pre-PWC in Kenya in January, and that some of our friends were going, so I started to think about it...
After discussing it with my wife, I decided to register with the goal of seeing where I still stood in relation to my level of flying in competitions and perhaps getting a result which would allow me to fly world cups again.
I then asked my wife if she would like to come and join me there after the competition.
Looking at the map of Kenya and the cross-country flights done in the country, I realized that not far from where the competition would take place, was the famous Kerio Valley known for long out and return flights. It’s like the Chartreuse Massif in France, but XXL…
At that moment I said to myself “why not try to set a tandem record with my wife after the competition?” » Several records were possible: distance and speed.
The only thing missing was the tandem!!
Fortunately, Honorin quickly said yes and lent me a Swift Max with some records to its credit.
The competition went well despite airspace limitations, and after 6 tasks in a magnificent playground, I finished 3rd overall, which allowed me to accomplish one of my goals: a letter which will allow me to return to the World Cup in 2025.
My wife arrived two days before the end of the competition, so it was time to start our journey to Kerio Valley for our 2nd goal.
We would have to optimize our time there and be very focused because we would only have 3 possible attempts.
After two failed attempts, there was only one day left because we were reaching our deadline and the forecast for the following days was too windy to fly. So, we focused on the speed record.
Arriving at take off, there was already some wind and luckily it was perpendicular to the ridge so it looked good, there was no risk of flying against the wind during our first leg to the North.
We were surrounded by locals on take off, and we paid our access fee with candies and cakes.
I entered the first turnpoint not far from takeoff and when exiting the cylinder I released the trimmers, pushed the Swift Max to maximum speed and off we went for a race against the clock!
We saw the kilometers go by quickly on our way to the next turnpoint at 50.6 km.
We flew over beautiful landscapes and waved at everyone we saw because we can't waste time thermaling for this kind of record.
This meant that we were often close to the terrain and the feeling of speed was always present and there was no room for error. Taking excessive risks was out of the question.
After 40km, we hit some north wind which forced us to slow down and thermal, even if it meant drifting back, but staying high so we could cover distance. Our hourly average was significantly slower but we fought over the last 10 kilometers to tag the turnpoint while optimizing our height as much as possible.
After reaching the turnpoint, it was time to fly back.
We were then pushed by the wind, which was good because we made up a little for the time lost on the way out, but the problem then was that since the wind had changed, the lift was different on certain areas.
We did our best and looked for any visual indicators that would allow us to read the terrain ahead. All our senses were awake.
The turnpoint was getting closer, only 7 km left, then 5 km, 3, 2, 1 and the clock stopped. I had achieved my second goal and with my wife!! Life couldn't get better!
We left the country with lots of great memories and, above all, lots of moments shared as a couple or between friends.
Special thanks to OZONE , JENNIFAIR, DURIGNEUX SAS MULTIPOSES, CREA STB, Honorin, Charles Cazaux, and my wife.”
Folge Titis Abenteuern: @titi_macquet_paragliding_pilot
Glückwünsche und ein Cheers vom gesamten Ozone Team.