Like Wine: The Rodriguez Brothers
Published on:
05 Sep 2016
It was in 2006 that The Rodriguez Brothers first stood together on the podium of the FAI World Paragliding Championships, for syncro aerobatics. Ten years has passed, and in this time many things have changed: the gliders, the tricks, the people, the industry. But there is one thing that hasn’t changed: The connection between the original SAT brothers and their love for sharing Acro with the community. We wonder if some of the newer pilots on the acro scene even know the history of their sport – and it is a history that Raul and Felix wrote together.
Congrats to our longtime friend and fellow Team Pilot, Felix Rodriguez, and his brother Raul, for becoming world champions together again. And thanks to Raul and Felix for the years of guidance!
Cheers from all the team at Ozone.
For full results Click here