Seiko and Charles, down under once again
Published on:
08 Dec 2016
Our Record hunters, Seiko Fukuoka and Charles Cazaux, are back in Deniliquin, Australia.
Last year they covered some terrain on the Aussie flatlands bringing home a few new records. Even though they ran into average conditions, Seiko set a new straight distance record with a 406 km flight and Charles flew a World record three-point free distance of 476km and set a new Australian free straight distance record of around 450km.
This year, after a wet winter, the Australian playground is still humid and temperatures still low, so they are patiently waiting for D-day, to go further. Yesterday was an average day but they decided to start with a little warm-up and went for a 250 km flight. We wish them both luck and our fingers are crossed for the epic day they have been waiting for...
For more on their record hunting journey:
Seiko on Facebook and Instagram
Charles on Facebook and Instagram
And you can follow their flights right here:
Seiko on Airtribune
Charles on Airtribune