Marius and Knut Soar Mt Blanc!
Published on:
27 Jul 2008
Marius Jansen and Knut Ståle Thomassen have made an amazing tandem PPG flight over the summit of Mt Blanc, using the Ozone Magnum. Reaching a max altitude of 5009m ASL, the two were able to fly around some of the most amazing terrain in the Alps, not to mention right over the summit of the highest mountain in Western Europe. Even with a total weight of 228kg, their Magnum delivered the performance necessary to make this impressive flight. To see the Google Earth tracklog (kmz) click here: http://no.flightlog.org/fl.html?l=1&a=34&gdf=2&trip_id=170317 Nice flight guys, and thanks for the beautiful photos (all taken by Knut). Cheers from all the Team!