Because... the SHORT FILM: RELEASE!
Published on:
14 May 2008
First of all, and again, thanks to everyone who supported this competition with such awesome answers! To see the final short film, click here. http://because.flyozone.com/ To see the answers and vote for the people's choice because..., visit the 'because...' page. Choosing the best answers was nearly impossible, so the entire Ozone Team joined together with Jorge Atramiz to make the final selection. After reading thousands of answers several times, we have finally narrowed it down to the ten that you see here. Because there were so many answers, we definitely could not just choose one. In fact, we had to go with 10 instead! Therefore each of the answers below will be rewarded. This contest has been a lot of fun to manage, and there are some excellent highlights that we think you might enjoy reading about. We loved learning new perspectives on flying from all of you, and we appreciate your sharing with us. We’d like to share some of the most interesting info that the contest has given us: A total of 74 countries participated in the ‘because…’ contest! Pilots from: ALBANIA, ARGENTINA, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, BANGLADESH, BELGIUM, BOLIVIA, BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA, BRAZIL, BULGARIA, CANADA, CHILE, CHINA, COLOMBIA, CROATIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, DENMARK, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, EAST TIMOR, ECUADOR, ESTONIA, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GIBRALTAR, GREECE, GUATEMALA, HUNGARY, ICELAND, INDIA, INDONESIA, IRAN, IRELAND, ISRAEL, ITALY, JAPAN, KENYA, LATVIA, LEBANON, LITHUANIA, LUXEMBOURG, MACEDONIA, MALAYSIA, MALTA, MEXICO, NETHERLANDS, NEW CALEDONIA, NEW ZEALAND, NORWAY, PALAU, PARAGUAY, PERU, PHILIPPINES, POLAND, PORTUGAL, PUERTO RICO, REUNION ISLAND, ROMANIA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SAUDI ARABIA, SERBIA & MONTENEGRO, SLOVAKIA, SLOVENIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, THAILAND, TURKEY, UNITED KINGDOM, URUGUAY,USA, VENEZUELA, VIETNAM. That’s 38% of the countries on the planet. which is not a bad selection of flying sites! Spain topped the list, with the most responses. France was second, then the USA, UK, and Brazil (Obrigado galera pela participação no concurso!!!). See the image at right for a visual description of the contest submissions, around the globe. THE ANSWERS… Like we said we had so many answers it would be crazy to show them all, but: By far the most common words used in your answers were: ‘free’ and ‘freedom’. -The answer most received was: “because… I can.” Most of the participants described flying as: because... -An escape from commitments as: family, work, and any aspect of daily life. -A dream that came true. -Gives a feeling of youth, longevity. -The closest thing to being a bird. -A form of relaxation / stress relief. -Provides a different perspective of the world, literally and figuratively. -Keeps one in the present. -Better than sex, or almost better. -A drug, and an addiction Some of the answers we received were funny, and some were deep. For instance Walter Buscaglia from Argentina used his answer to send a love message to Sandie, one of our team pilots – pibe, no problem we will give her your message, but we think she’s taken! ;-) And to Belén, wife of Pedro Luis Fernandez, who wrote a note for her late husband, our thoughts are with you and with the families and friends of everyone else who has left us for the longest flight there is. May peace be with you all. Flying Paragliders is a beautiful and an amazing experience that we are all truly thankful to be able to live, regardless of what motivates us to do it! To see the final short film, click here. http://because.flyozone.com/ To see the answers and vote for the people's choice because..., visit the 'because...' page. A huge thanks to Jorge and Herminio who worked tirelessly to complete this project; their passion for flying and for cinematography gave us great inspiration every step of the way.