Alex Mateos wins British Open 2014
Published on:
18 May 2014
Alex Mateos wins British Open 2014
The first international competition of the season was a lot of fun for Ozone Team Pilot, Alex Mateos, who took 1st place overall in the classic and slalom competitions, competing against current world champions, Pascal Vallee, and former World Champion, Michele Carnet.
Alex impressed the field in ever event, but in the “Pure Eco” task, he scored a massive lead.
The event, which was held at Beverley airfield in South Yorkshire, UK, was blessed with wonderful weather and fourteen valid tasks in four days. There were four slalom tasks, and then pure economy, eco distance, navigation, and spot landing. 38 pilots attended, hailing from the UK, France, Belgium, Estonia, and six pilots from the Qatar national Team. 15 pilots in the event flew Ozone wings!
We’d like to send out a big thank you to Richard Shaw (competition director and organizer), and Peter (airfield manager), for organizing this fantastic event.
Final overall results from British Open here.
Full results from each task click here
Final results from British PPG Slalom here
Cheers, from all the Team.