Brad and John: Records in Himalaya!
Published on:
02 Jul 2008
Himalayan veteran John Silvester and relative newcomer Brad Sanders have made some incredible flights this season in the biggest mountains on earth!
John claims that one of his most recent flights of 130km took him through terrain that was so huge and intense and wild that he reckons it was one of the best, if not then best, flights of his life! In John's words:
"130km across the craziest mountain route in the world: The Chongolungma crossing from Hunza to Skardu. It is probably the most challenging defined xc task in the world, the only other contender being Phillipe and Juliens (last year with Addict Lites) amazing Hispar flight in 2006, coming the other way.
Dav has got the handling of the Addict 2 spot on... and it got me out of the shit at the head of the glacier, where i was most committed over high ground and fresh snow at 5000m... somehow the addict let me climb in total leeside shell fire, gaining me a precious few hundred meters that saved me a horrendous 4 day walk (if i was lucky!!!...could still be up there.) Sorry about the poor photos, but had a lot more to worry about than correct exposure! It was auto or nothing."
And Brad Sander... now the US's most accomplished Himalayan Pilot... has made an incredible flight of 9hrs 249 kms up to 7750 meters, which is a new altitude record, we believe. As well as a possible Himalayan and South Asian distance and time record. Brad, we salut you, that is amazing. Brad's plan was to take off from Booni in the Hindukush Mountains and meet John Silvester in Hunza after a few days... but he ended up doing it in one day! We're pretty sure this is the longest flight to meet a friend for a drink in the history of the world! Look forward to seeing the full story on this amazing flight in magazines soon, and for now you can drool over his tracklog here! (check the 249km flight!) http://www.xcontest.org/world/en/pilots/detail:bradsander
Brad's Blog: http://bradsander.blogspot.com/