The Mantra R09 Dominates Recent Competitions...
Published on:
19 Apr 2009
Thanks to our French distributor Alixa and the efforts of the Ozone Test and Design Team and also our new Team Pilot, Charles Cazaux, there have been more R09's sent out to French pilots than to any other country. We're happy to see that the result of this is has been a lot of podium finishes for R09 pilots - in fact, so far this year, the majority of top 5 pilots in France have been flying R09's!
There have now been 2 events in the French National League, and the R09 has taken 1st place in both! In the first comp of the season, Luc Armant (of the Ozone Test and Design Team) won the overall. For results, click here http://parapente.ffvl.fr/compet/1117 During the competition, there were 3 R09's in the first 5 places of every task!Then in the next event, Charles Cazaux took first place for his first podium with the R09. The results will be online soon.
Thanks to all of the pilots who bought their R09's based mostly on trust, we're very glad that your decision was a good one, and we appreciate your support.
Cheers from all the Team.