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Honorin Hamard attempting world record tandem flights

Published on:
01 Nov 2015

Ozone R&D team member Honorin Hamard is attempting to best the world record tandem flight with his girlfriend Karine Gras in Quixada, Brazil. The attempts will be made now until November 14th, 2015. The couple is trying to beat at least one of the current world record tandem flights: Tandem straight distance: 356.2km (363km attempt pending ratification). Tandem via 1 turnpoint: 308.3km Tandem with 3 turnpoints: 258.43km With one 353km flight already complete, you can follow their attempts live via Airtribune live satellite based tracking and all current news will be published on Hono's Facebook page. Good luck to the adventurous couple from all the Ozone team!


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