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Halfway Around the World With Zero Carbon Emissions

Published on:
13 Aug 2012

Since 2008, Olivier Peyre has been slowly working his way around the world by bicycle, sailboat, and paraglider. With his tracklog currently at the "halfway" mark, he has returned to his home of France for a summer of friends and family before recommencing the second half of his journey around the earth. His travels have been well documented on his website, and he has thus far logged over 130 paragliding spots in Europe, Africa, South America, and the South Pacific. He has also traveled over 27,000kms by bicycle and sailed approximately 16,000kms. So we will certainly excuse him for his quick plane flight back to France ;-) Olivier chose the Ultralite to carry him through the airborne portions of his journey and his wing has so far survived the travels nicely! It is probably the most well-traveled paraglider in the world, which speaks for the Ultralite's durability. We highly recommend checking out some of his travel entries, where you can read about flying and rolling through some amazing parts of our planet. His long trip is far from over, and we wish him all the best for the second half of it. Olivier is not the only Ozone pilot circumnavigating our globe, either. Check out Andrew Campbell's amazing expedition as well. Cheers from all the team!


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