Ozone Piloten gewinnen weitere Slaloms
Published on:
18 Jun 2012
Bei der Slalomania Tour Vosges in Frankreich haben wieder Slalomwettbewerbe stattgefunden. Die Ozone Piloten Alex und Mathieu haben dabei den 1ten und 2ten Platz belegt. Mathieu Rouanet berichtet:
"Pilots ran a total of 15 tasks around the pylons, and we could see that the general level of paramotor pilots is improving a lot each year in the slalom events! The speed and the maneuverability of the wings has improved a lot as well.
Alexandre Mateos is untouchable on his Viper 2 18m, and it was impossible for anyone to catch him in this, his favorite event. His point lead was so big that we could only dream to be second, or third place at best, for this event. I [Mathieu Rouanet] finished second on my new Speedster 19m, which looks like the easiest overall tool for slalom racing, as it has a nice low aspect ratio.
The performance of Aurelien Ganaye, who finished 5th without even touching his speedbar, was noteworthy. His trajectories are probably the wisest of any of the competitors. It was great to see so many Ozone pilots in the slalom discipline, which now makes up the majority of PPG competitions. Ozone wings are of course known for their great handling and speed characteristics, which is what the slalom game is all about."
Der nächste Durchgang der Slalomania Reihe wird im August in Couhé stattfinden. Das liegt im Südwesten Frankreichs. Danach wandert das Spektakel nach Gap, auch in Frankreich, und dann findet ja auch schon das Coupe Icare Event statt.
Derzeit hat Alex 18 Punkte beim Slalomania 2012 erreicht, und Mathieu´s Konto steht bei 17. Wir sind schon alle gespannt auf das nächste Event.
Alle bisherigen Ergebnisse: Full results can be seen here.
Die Fotos auf der rechten Seite hier haben uns freundlicherweise Joel Amiable und Michel Clement zur Verfügung gestellt. Besten Dank dafür.
Cheers vom gesamten Team!