Mathieu Rouanet Wins World Air Games Test Event
Published on:
08 Oct 2008
Mathieu Rouanet has won the WAG test event, held in preparation for the 2009 World Air Games in Turin, Italy. Congrats Mathieu! Mathieu and his Viper arenearly unstoppable, and generally the rest of the field is standing by hoping for Mathieu to make an error, because he is truly unbeatable when he is in top form. We hope the WAG next year goes off well for the competitors and we hope that Mathieu will repeat his performance there next year ;-)
Alex and Coralie Mateos were also present, along with Laurent Salinas, all flying Ozones.
For more news on the event check out Mathieu's blog at the Ozone Team Blog page, here: http://teamblog.flyozone.com/