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Xevi wins in Ecuador

Published on:
28 Nov 2018

Ozone team pilot, Xevi Bonet, has taken first overall at the South American Cup, in Guayaquil, Ecuador. In his words: “We flew seven tasks between 50 and 70 kms, in the typical conditions of Guayaquil: Low cloud base with good thermals in light conditions. The organization was excellent, they are planning to expand the launch and be ready to celebrate the Next Pan-American in 2020.” In second and third were Colombians Cristian Agudelo (Enzo 3) and Jullian Carreño (Enzo 2). In the Women’s category the overall win went to Argentinian pilot, Shauin Kao, on her Zeno. 7 out of the top 10 pilots flew OZONE. Congrats to all, from all of us here at Ozone. Full results, click here


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