Enzo 2 M Certified
Published on:
13 Mar 2014
The Enzo2 M has been successfully retested by Air Turquoise. An un-modified, standard production wing which was flown in the 2013 Superfinal was used for these tests to prove conformity of all Enzo 2 wings being flown. The wing was tested to the EN 926-1 and 926-2 2005 standards, and passed with a D classification. A new certification number has been issued PG_0850.2014. For clarity, a new certification sticker will be provided for all current Enzo2 produced. Official EN documents will be published shortly, before then, if anyone needs a copy of the certification statement from Air Turquoise for a competition, please contact "russ-at-flyozone.com". We plan to launch other sizes as soon as possible, and we intend the wing to be easily compatible with the future CCC rules in 2015.