Olivier & Co. Return from Pakistan: Video
Published on:
24 Jul 2012
Der Ozone Team Pilot und Abenteurer Olivier Laugero kehrte vor kurzem von einem weiteren Himalaja Abenteuer zurück. Er verbrachte fast einen Monat an einem seiner Lieblingsorte zum Gleitschirmfliegen, und begab sich dort auf die Suche nach einer möglichst hohen Wolkenbasis und langen vol-biv Routen.
Olivier berichtet: “We had only seven days flyable during the trip… it could have been better but we of course had some amazing days! We were often at altitudes well above 6000m, and we had three flights that were over 100km long in the biggest mountains on earth. The Alpina and LM4 were the perfect toys for our trip! Light, easy, and all the glide performance we needed – they couldn’t have been better. I completed one beautiful triangle of 130 km, around Rakaposhi, a 7800m peak. Here is the tracklog, check it out.
We also had a nice vol-biv flight from Yasin Valley to Booni, and back the next day. Eric Gramond and Oriol Fernandez accompanied me, also flying Ozone wings. Eric’s tracklog can be seen here. It was a very interesting 105km straightline flight (each way) through some amazing mountains. During the return flight Eric and I landed at 4000m on a pass in the middle of nowhere, and we had to walk three hours to re-launch and continue the rest of the 105kms to Yasin. It was really fun!
Enjoy the short video below, and we hope that you can one day visit Pakistan to fly there; it’s just amazing to fly over these virgin summits!”