Mike Cavanagh Breaks 1000 XC Points
Published on:
08 Jun 2011
For the first time in history, someone has broken 1000 points in the UK XC League. Considering that it's only the start of June, this is quite an accomplishment - and especially so, as Mike Cavanagh allegedly holds a full time job as managing director of Ozone Paragliders and Kites! ;-) While keeping a very keen eye on the UK weather patterns, Mike and his flying mates make carefully planned but last minute decisions as to which XC site to fly from on any given day. Flying so many kms of XC in the UK is no easy task, and requires a huge amount of meticulous planning and years of experience with specific sites and XC flying. Mike has been enjoying his new Mantra M4 this season, which he says is the nicest serial class wing he has ever flown. Clearly, it's brought him into what must be one of his greatest years of XC flying, ever, and the whole Ozone Team is happy to see that Mike is enjoying the fruits of our labor. Indeed, it has been a brilliant season for the Ozone staff with several record flights and personal bests throughout the company (see Dav and Luc's XC binge here). Ozone is a company that was founded entirely by pilots, with the aim to develop safe and fun wings for everyday flyers. After more than a decade in business, we all still remain connected to the core of the sport and our passion and dedication for free flight is unchanged. We hope to continue flying with you for many years to come! Cheers from all the Team.