Delta - NEW UPDATES! (May 25)
Published on:
11 May 2010
NEW UPDATES: Just a quick note to let you know that the M size certification is nearly complete, and you can read all about the Delta online now, just go to Products --> Gliders --> Delta, or click here for English. We are now taking pre-orders for the Delta, so please contact your local Ozone Dealer if you're keen to get what we think is without question the highest performing, most stable, and most comfortable LTF C wing that we have ever flown. We will post more news in a few days when the load testing is complete and we've begun production on the M size. Cheers from all the Team Sorry for our recent silence on the Delta! We've been getting lots of questions and just wanted to give you a quick update: Finishing this wing has been further delayed by unseasonably bad weather in the south of France, and volcanic ash clouds disrupting the delivery of prototypes. But now we think we have finally arrived at a position where the first size will be going for official flight testing, with load testing to be completed later this month. Hopefully we can have it in production for first deliveries in June.Having now seen what our competition have brought out, it looks like the Delta will be at the top of its class. In fact, we think that the Delta will redefine 'performance' for serial wings. Our glide measurements have shown that it is at the top of even the D (2-3) class, with a very comfortable and agile feel that is a result of a relatively low aspect ratio and a compact plan-form. We are confident that this wing will become the favorite of many LTF C pilots, and our testing has shown that the Delta excels in 'real' XC conditions, with good passive safety and a solid feel in active air. We really think it has been worth the wait, but we are sorry the wait was much longer than expected. If you are interested in this type wing (and have not gotten bored with waiting and bought something else) then we hope you get a chance to try one to see why we are so excited about it. We'll put some more news up soon. Thanks to those of you who have been patient with us, and we hope to have this wing in your hands in the next few weeks. Cheers from all the Team.