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Peter Jung and his Mantra R09 - German Champion

Published on:
17 Aug 2009

At the final German Championships last week, Peter Jung won first overall flying his Mantra R09. Peter took the competition with a solid 250 point lead after 4 tasks. This is the third time that Peter has made Ozone headlines, after winning the BaWue Airgames Open and also the Rhineland Championships earlier this year. Peter loves his new Mantra R09 and we're sure that it has helped him to stand on the podium several times this year in Germany. Great job Peter! We've been really happy to have you on the team and we're glad you like your wing! Also at the German Champs, Joerg Nuber won the Serial Class with his Mantra M3 M. Unfortunately, the DHV does not offically rank the serial class, so Joerg will have to be happy with the 'unofficial' title of German Serial Class Champion, and we're proud of him and his finish even without the official title ;-) Nice work Joerg, we're glad you like your M3 and good job flying with the Open Class wings. Of honorable mention is also Joachim Torn's 7th place finish with his Mantra R09 XL. We'd like to congratulate the entire German Team, well done. And we're happy that the weather this year allowed so many excellent tasks, we're sure it was fun racing. Cheers from all the Team. Results: German Open Overall German only Serialclass


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