Rachel Evans' Mojo Works!
Published on:
27 Jul 2004
Rachel Evans from Allez-up in Laragne has been out proving that DHV1s can go the distance. On Monday 19th August she managed to fly from Laragne Chabre take off to near Grenoble on her brand new Mojo, a distance of 101km! When Rach had aired her plan for the day her husband David had said "Look there are some of those flying pigs, just follow them..." Well it looks like Rach managed to keep up with them and her and Viv, who had been on tandem with Craig Collins, caught up with them after landing.
We've just heard that Rachel is again setting the pace in the 2004/2005 french league with a 98km flight from Laragne on her Mojo, you can view the flight here.