Kimchi Session, the DVD
Published on:
13 Dec 2009
This is, in the words of Cross Country Magazine, 'The most action packed paramotor film, ever' and we have to agree. Kimchi Session takes you on an almost unimaginable ride through a completely urban environment, seen from the point of view of one of the world's best PPG pilots, Mathieu Rouanet.
Even non-paramotor pilots and non-flyers will be amazed by this DVD, and we urge you to check it out - it's a must see! The downtown rally sessions are completely surreal, almost science fiction in nature. With on board footage of the pilots slaloming between high rise apartment buildings, under bridges, and dragging feet on rooftops, the images conjure up the kind of flight dreams inspired by Star Wars films and video games.
Filmed and edited by Sophie Guibal of InDaSky Productions, Kimchi Session is loaded with extra features as well and is guaranteed to satisfy your thirst for PPG action, or your curiosity for what this truly amazing sport is capable of.
Check out the trailer here: http://www.flyozone.com/paragliders/en/downloads/videos/_39056/
It is in stock and shipping now, so buy your copy from XC Shop, at: http://www.xcshop.com/shop/product.php?xProd=286¤cy=2
Cheers from all the Team, and one more thing - don't try this at home, it will probably result in you being sent to jail, or worse. Mathieu Rouanet & Co were given special flight permission from the Korean Government for the making of this film.