Guy Anderson sets new UK triangle record
Published on:
02 Jul 2017
On Monday the 19th June, Guy Anderson set a new 127km UK record triangle from the XClent tow site in the Cotswolds, under his ZENO. Wayne Seeley reports:
"Whilst Theo and Lawrie were busy breaking the declared tandem record further north the lads from XClent were attempting to break the uk triangle record (105km) but sadly we failed, Graham Steel landing 5km short after a 7+ hr flight .
Luckily the forecast for the following day (Monday 19th) looked even better with light winds and a possible 2000m cloudbase. The current record stood at 105km and we decided to attempt a 122km FAI. By 1pm had all climbed away from the tow field and soon we were a group of Zeno's pushing NW towards our turnpoint 40km away, this was pretty straightforward but we lost Richard Osbourne on this leg (he carried on to fly over 100km of the course) .
The 2nd leg pushing east went well, the wind was light, we had good clouds and good climbs to 5500ft and myself, Graham Steel and Guy Anderson pushed on as time was running out and we still had a lot of ground to cover .
Turning tp2 the day was slowing down and with a 40km final leg the clouds died and we were starting to think it was to late in the day to complete the flight. I split from Graham and Guy here and it proved costly as a long glide in the blue saw me land 10km short of goal , Graham and Guy however pushed back west and found a climb under the last cloud of the day and got high once more , setting off on a long final glide needing around 10:1. Guy got closest landing 600mtrs short of the goal ( but within the 800m loop gap required by the U.K. Xcleague) and with that set a new record triangle of 127km FAI , Graham was just behind flying 125km FAI .
All four were flying Ozone Zeno's, they really are proving to be the perfect machine for xc flying . 150km FAI next”
To see Guy's track, click here
You can follow the UK XC league here
Congrats to all the pilots, and cheers from all the team at OZONE.
Congrats and cheers from all the team at OZONE!