Published on:
07 Jan 2024
"I started caving when I was 14 years old and I was doing it quite intensely.
But then in the late 90s I began to see paragliders flying over exactly the same mountain where I used to cave so much.
They looked like little mosquitoes hanging over the the mountain when I was crossing the Margaret Bridge in Budapest.Every time I crossed I was looking to see those paragliders.
It’s so crazy to think that just from basically the passion for flying I went from, you know, a normal pilot soaring the little hills in Hungary to actually win the Paragliding Aerobatic World Cup and invent new maneuvers."
Von den Höhlen zu den Wolken mit Pal Takats.
Ozone Menschen / Ozone People ist eine Filmreihe, die unsere Zuschauer ein bisschen eintauchen lässt in das Fliegerleben unserer Freunde, die ihre Essenz in der Luft finden.
Video by Karl Stezlicke
#ozonepeople #flyozone