Published on:
13 Nov 2021
Russ Ogden, Honorin Hamard, and Luc Armant, all members of the Ozone R&D Team, have won the world championships in first, second, an third overall. They each flew the Enzo 3 with the new Submarine harness.
Ozone Team pilot, Yael Margelisch, was crowned the queen of the worlds, followed by our own Seiko Fukuoka in second, and Klaudia Bulgakow in third. All flew Enzo 3s. Team Great Britain won the nations podium for the first time ever.
Seventeen out of the top 20 overall flew the Enzo 3! Thanks to all of the pilots who flew Ozone and congrats to all who participated.
Ruth Jessop, of PWCA.org, reports from the last task in Argentina:
“Today dawned with blue skies and sunshine. An 80 km task was set with a short leg north then a long leg south, via two turn points.
In the overall rankings it was all down to Russell Ogden and Honorin Hamard. In the ladies’ rankings any of the top ten could win, and the nation rankings were wide open too. So, the atmosphere on launch was nail-biting.
Stephan Morgenthaler pulled away at the beginning of the race and stayed near the ridge when many struggled with the cloudy conditions and landed. The day then improved, and he consolidated his position and dominated the front of the race. He crossed End of Speed first with 100% of the lead out points, making the day his.
Russell and Honorin danced round each other all the way round the course, nearly landing so many times.
It was a day of changing wind directions, often with a head wind. Endless breath-taking low saves on the part of Russell and Honorin brought record crowds to follow the race. In the end, they crossed the End of Speed within 1 minute and 32 seconds of each other, which wasn’t enough for Honorin to take the title.
For the first time since Bruce Goldsmith won the title back in 2007, we have a new Paragliding World Champion from Britain, Russell Ogden.
For the first time ever, Great Britain has won the Paragliding World Championships. Well done to Russell Ogden, Martin Long, Idris Birch, Sebastian Ospina, Theo Warden (Current European Champion) and their team leader, Jocky Sanderson.
Well done to Yael Margelisch who flew a great race today landing in goal as the new Ladies’ Champion and in 18th position overall.
At the start of the race Yael told us: You can surf on the wave, but the wave doesn't last forever. I want to get a good result here so I can stay on the top of the wave. Mission accomplished, with a very big wave!
Well done to all those who have put so much into organising this competition and making it such a success. Meet Director, Sergio Bujazha and General Organiser, Matias Fortini will go down as legends in the paragliding history books for making a Paragliding World Championship happen, with 150 pilots, in the middle of a pandemic!
Thank you, lovely Loma Bola, with its jungle terrain and challenging skies, see you again soon we hope”
For full results, Click here
Congrats to all the pilots and cheers from all the team at OZONE