10th Ozone Chabre
Published on:
05 Jul 2015
The 10th Ozone Chabre Open came to a successful close with a week of hot dry weather and thankfully zero rain. Four tasks were set, all of which proved to be interesting and fun.
Andrew Williams won the overall competition, and - proving to not only be good, but also lucky - he won the prize draw and a new Ozone paraglider. Andrew decided to auction the new wing and donate the money to charity, for Parkinsons research. A true gentleman!
Congrats to Jens, Luc, and Jan, who swept the X-Class all flying their Mantra M6s, and to Catherine Bartholdi who took first place in the women's category flying her Alpina 2. Verena and Ella were close behind, flying the M6 and Alpina 2 respectively.
More info including full results and all task reports can be seen here.
We'd like to send out a huge and heartfelt thanks to the Chabre Vol Libre crew, who have organized 10 brilliant Ozone Chabre competitions. Their tireless efforts and impressive efficiency are the keys to the Ozone Chabre Open's success, and we are grateful to be able to work with them!
Cheers, from all the Team.