Ozone Pilots Harvest Gold at French PPG Champs
Published on:
02 Jun 2012
The 2012 French National PPG Championships have come to a close, and Ozone Pilots took gold in 4 out of the 5 events.
-Alex Mateos: 2012 French Paramotor Champion flying his Viper 2 20m
-Coralie Mateos: 2012 French Women's Paramotor Champion flying her Speedster 19m. Coralie has earned this title 3 times now!
-Yann Leudiere: 2012 French Paramotor Champion for foot-launch tandem, flying his Speedster 33m.
-Christophe Charon: 2012 French Vice Champion, foot launch tandem, Speedster 33.
-Jeremy Lecourt: 2012 Paramotor French Champion, solo trike category, flying his Viper 27m.
Here's a roundup, as reported by Mathieu Rouanet:
The Ozone Team won 4 gold medals on 5 podiums. I should point out that the Mateos family finds themselves with more and more gold in their hands... this is the second National Title for Alex (he also won in 2010) and the third for Coralie (2009 and 2010 already). We had excellent weather all week, allowing us to have tasks for all categories of paramotor competition, including "Mania" and Precision Landings, Speed / Navigation tasks, and Regulation / Economy tasks.
The battle for first place was intense, and unsure until the last second. Alex and Pascal Vallee both flew amazingly in the Championship. At the end, Alex was only a hair ahead of Pascal. Alex is very happy with his Viper, and enjoys it in all types of flying. There are no negative points, he says, allowing him to excel in every area of the competition.
Coralie chose to fly the Speedster 19m, relying on the speed and agility for the slalom tasks. She said that having such high confidence in the wing allowed her to really focus on her flying without having to worry about the stability of the wing. The Speedster really is built for a wide range of pilots, and is even used by the Annecy Paramotor, Courant D'Ailes, and Orleans Paramotor schools in their training program! (http://www.annecyparamoteur.com/, http://courantdailes.free.fr/, and http://www.orleansparamoteur.com/). It's incredible that it's used in schools, and also at top level competitions.
Yann also chose the Speedster for his tandem flying due to its ease of launch (Even though the 33m is a very small size for PPG tandem) and its amazing speed when untrimmed and accelerated. Also, he prefers to use an easy wing for tandem flying, he says. His main competitor, Christophe Charon, had already won the same title last year with the Speedster 33m.
Jeremy Lecourt began to fly in the solo trike class only 2 months ago, and is now French champion. He chose the Viper due to its speed and ease of launch, which he says is crucial when flying trikes. Also, he says it is hard to find a wing with good agility for "mania" tasks, alongside high efficiency for the economy tasks.
Thanks for the report, Mathieu! We at Ozone would like to send a huge congratulations to all of the pilots who have chosen to fly our wings. We are very happy to see so many smiling pilots perched on podiums in France, and around the world! Cheers from all the Team, and happy motoring!