Mathieu & Emilia in Vietnam
Published on:
02 Jun 2012
Emilia and I went to Vietnam for the first ever paramotor comp held in the country. It was on the beach in Da Nang, a beautiful bay in the middle of the country. Due to the restrictions on civilian aviation, everything is complicated there with the military and government controlling every detail. The Organiser worked for 2 years to have this successfull event.
It was amazing to see that we were checked and watched by the police almost all the time in flight. There were few smiles in the beginning, but the ambiance became very friendly soon after the show began and was proven to be good.
For me this was a great story, because i saw a paramotoring for the first time when I was just a child of 12 years, on the "Ushuaia" TV show in France. That show was filmed in Ha Long bay, and I was amazed by the images of Vietnam from the air. I promised to myself to do it one day... and 21 years later, I had the honor to participate in the first competition here!
PPG in Vietnam is slowly progressing, and pilots are working here to make paramotoring legal. For sure, Vietnam has some wonderful conditions and flying possibilities.
In the competition, I took the first place, followed closely by Emilia, who took second. As it was only speed tasks, we could see once more how fast and how agile the Speedster is. Despite some serious competition with other small high performance wings, the Speedster stayed on top.
Thanks to Mathieu & Emilia, and congrats from all the Team!