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Published on:
23 Aug 2023

Following the Ozone Open was the US Open 2023, which was also held in Chelan.

This year, the event saw six out of seven days of exceptional racing with diverse tasks. The victory went to Ozone's Russell Ogden, with Galen Kirkpatrick securing the win in the Women’s class.

Nick Greece reports:

“The 2023 US Nationals were a raging success with six out of seven days flown covering 563km of flatland and mountain racing! The comp became a blazing shootout between USA’s Matt Henzi and Ozone’s very own Russ Ogden. Both Russ and Matt won three tasks each but on the final task Russ put together a blinder that edged out his American rival for the overall win. Galen Kirkpatrick took third overall and first female podium with consistently impressive flying. Nate Scales won the sports class on an Ozone Photon and Nellie Wright won female sports class on an Ozone Alpina 4”

For full results:

Congrats to all the pilots and cheers from all the Ozone Team.

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