Published on:
10 Aug 2020
Better late than not at all, the World Cup season will take off from Disentis on Sunday the 16th of August.
In Disentis the pilots will be flying in an area which is strongly influenced by valley winds and with very complex aerology. Often the style of flying can be quite close to the terrain with not a lot of thermalling going on. Those who do well will be the pilots who really understand how the air is moving on and around the mountains.
The event will bring together fourteen Super Final, World Cup, World and Europe champions, all trying to prove that they have nothing to prove.
Hot on their fairings, almost a third of the pilots who will be competing have A’s!
Tougher still, seven out of the nine ladies competing have already won the ladies title.
But above all, Disentis 2020 is going to be a fantastic get together of old friends, long standing rivals, new World Cup pilots and flying families. Fathers and sons will be competing against each other. Brothers trying to beat brothers, sisters trying to beat brothers and some of the paragliding world’s most famous couples will be in full on racing mode, desperate to get to goal first, knowing that last one home in any couple always has to do the washing up!
Once again Ozone will be fielding one of the strongest teams in the competition: Honorin HAMARD, Luc ARMANT, Julien WIRTZ and Méryl DELFERRIERE.
The only thing that none of them will be able to beat is, weather permitting, the stunning alpine scenery.
Whilst making the most of the only opportunity open to them so far this year, in Disentis, the World Cup is still really looking forward to being reunited with the rest of our flying family in some of their favourite worldwide locations as soon as possible.
Follow Disentis 2020 on the live commentary, tracking and World Cup TV on our new website: https://pwca.org/
Text courtesy of PWCA / Ruth Jessop
Photo by Hernan Pitocco