The X-Rockies Team Pushes On and Gets High
Published on:
11 Jun 2014
Thomas and Nelson are now already in New Mexico, ahead of schedule on their 3000km journey along the length of the North American Rockies. Their latest dispatch: "After a short run in Colorado, offering us unbelievably high altitude (17,999ft) flights, we headed to the New Mexico desert. Enjoying good flying conditions, the terrain seemed to get more and more difficult to use. Mountainous spots get further from each other. Good lines through the desert have to be found to cross these big stretches with the least walking possible. The Alpina 2 is the perfect tool for these kind of flights - the speed and the tight turns allows us to take off in small morning conditions, avoiding dust devils." Check out their site at www.xrockies.com Or visit them on Facebook :www.facebook.com/xrockies Photos by Nick Greece