Statement Regarding Enzo 2
Published on:
16 Feb 2014
To All It May Concern, I apologise wholeheartedly for the upset we have caused to all pilots, and specifically Enzo 2 pilots. I and the Ozone team understand that many are angry and we will do everything we can to resolve the trouble we have created. Our aim was always to produce the nicest Enzo 2 we could for all Ozone competition pilots, within the EN frame. But it was a mistake to push the frame so much without prior checks of how our interpretation would be accepted. Within the EN regulations, the manufacturers set the tolerances for sail dimensions, except for the lines and risers. We believed the Enzo 2 conformed. Any differences were within the tolerances that our testing of the Enzo 2 had indicated were acceptable. That all being said, we did make a mistake, we went too far, and we apologise unreservedly for that and we accept we have to work hard to repair the damage we have done in the competition world and generally to our pilots. We are still working to get the Enzo 2 position clarified for competition, but any Enzo 2 pilot who is unhappy should contact their dealer and we will arrange a full refund as a matter of goodwill. Also, however much you might like the wing we are sorry for the hassles you have endured and ask that any that have directly suffered as a result of losing competition results should also contact me directly here: [email protected] Mike, and the Ozone Team