The 2013 Ozone Chabre Open
Published on:
28 Jan 2013
The legendary Ozone Chabre Open is back again. This competition has gained a stellar reputation over the years for many reasons: The highly efficient and professional organization, which runs fast retrieves and a tight overall event. Jocky Sanderson, who is always on site to give invaluable XC coaching and guidance. The sunny (most of the time) Southern Alps weather conditions! And most importantly, the fun and friendly atmosphere that is very un-competition-like, yet perfect for learning the ins and outs of competition flying, with plenty of assistance for pilots who are learning to follow GPS course lines in comp formats. If you're looking for an ideal opportunity to improve your XC flying, or are intersted in beginning competition flying but don't know where to start, then this event is perfect for you. Registration is open now, and we recommend signing up (and paying) sooner than later as traditionally this event does fill up. For more information on the event and to get your registration in, please visit www.flylaragne.com If any of your questions are not answered there, please contact the organization directly through the website or at comp @ flylaragne.com CHeers from all the Team, and we hope to see you at the Chabre!