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Anders Baerheim Wins Cash in La Palma

Published on:
09 Dec 2009

Ozone Team Pilot Anders Baerheim recently returned from Isla La Palma where he competed in the Pre PWC Desafio de LaPalma 2009. Anders finished 2nd overall with his Mantra R09 and won 600 Euros! Also, Pepe Malecki took 4th overall, also on his Mantra R09. Anders and Pepe commented that the event was great fun and that, in general, the competition had more financial backing and media interest than almost any other event they had ever been to, and said that they and other pilots were even interviewed on Spanish national TV. Several of our team pilots, including Anders, keep up to date blogs at the Ozone Team Blogs page, click here to see them. And to see Anders' posts on the competition including more photos and a day by day, click here. Nice work Anders, congratulations and we're glad you like the R09... we're confident that you're going to love the R10 even more. Cheers from all the Team.


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