The best Ozone pilots dominated slalom championships in Poland
Published on:
27 Aug 2020
Polish Open Paramotor Slalom Championships finished last Saturday after 6 days, 22 tasks flown and finals for best 4 pilots in each competition class.
There were 28 pilots competing in class PF1 (foot launch) and 8 in class PL1 (single trike) The event was the biggest slalom international competition this year with pilots visiting from France, Spain, Belgium, Netherland, Czech Republic, Greece and Hungary.
From the first day it was clear that nearly all best 6 – 7 pilots in the most challenging and prestige class PF1 were flying Ozone Freeride. Alex Mateos flying Freeride 14 took the lead from the day one and won 20 from 22 tasks. He was closely followed by his team mate Nicolas Aubert who was also flying the same wing.
During most competition 3rd placed belonged to a Czech pilot Lubos Halama for whom this event was the first international competition flying Ozone Freeride.
Many fellow competition pilots were truly impressed by the performance of Marie Mateos – the best World female pilot and the only girl competing in slalom. She finished on 6th position overall leaving many really good and experience pilots far behind.
Young Italian pilot flying Freeride 15 - Lorenzo Mallegni - showed his high skills and despite some mistakes and one major collapse, he still managed to finished 5th. He is undoubtedly a growing talent with a huge potential to fight for podium in next events.
The best Polish pilot in the National Team and the winner of 2020 Polish Champion title is Bartosz Nowicki flying Freeride 15. Bartosz defended the title from the last year. This young and skillful pilot showed again that he is still unbeatable.
In class PL1 another polish pilot - Szymon Winkler - flying Ozone Freeride won bronze medal. This young brilliant pilot has a bit less experience than his team mates Wojtek and Pawel but he consistently held 3rd position through all competition showing huge potential for future.
He are the results:
- Alex Mateos (FRA) - Freeride 14
- Nicolas Aubert (FRA) - Freeride 14
- Dimitris Kolliakos (GRE) - ITV
- Lubos Halama (CZE) - Freeride 15
- Lorenzo Mallegni (ITA) - Freeride 15
- Marie Mateos (FRA) - Freeride 14
- Bartosz Nowicki (POL) - Freeride 15
- Milan Clement (CZE) - Dudek Snake
- Marcin Bernat (POL) - Dudek Snake
- Victor Rodriguez (SPA) - ITV
Big congratulations to all pilots from the Ozone Team. We are truly impressed by the high level of skills of all top slalom pilots and proud that so many of them chose to fly Ozone. Thank you for flying safely.