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Nicolas wins Andalucian Paramotor Race 482 km

Published on:
09 Feb 2019

Andalucian Paramotor Race 2019 organized by Mario de Eolox  took place on 9 – 10 February. 28 best pilots from Spain intended to fly a long cross country of 482 km from Huelva to Almeria.  All pilots had a ground crew following them and were allowed to land for fueling. Ozone Team pilot Nicolas Aubert flying his Viper 4 and PAP Tinox with Thor 200 managed to make it first to the goal! Nicolas Aubert reports: "I am very happy to won the Race. I flew total 482 km from Huelva to Almería. It has been one of the hardest flights I have ever made in my life! It took me nearly 9 hours with 3 fuel stops. Total flight time was 6 h 30 min at maximum speed. The last section from Guadix to Almeria was the hardest, I was so tired that my legs were shaking, but at the end we made it! I would like to thank my ground crew: Pierre Aubert and Juan Morillas.  I am also grateful for excellent and reliable equipment, PAP paramotor and Ozone Viper 4, fast, good performance and solid glider!" Congratulations from all Ozone Team!


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