Bi-Curious? Experience the Pleasure of Speed Flying
Published on:
29 May 2010
Speed Flying is not just for crazy kids, we insist. In fact, we really think that all paraglider pilots should try it, especially if they live someplace where wind can be a limiting factor for fun, or at sites where a lack of thermals tends to reduce your enjoyment of paragliding.
Foot Launched Speed Flying is an awesome way to have fun on a windy, or no-wind, day. And the truth is that it's not that complicated. In fact, it's quite simple to learn, and is a suitable option for even some beginner level paraglider pilots. Speed Flying wings are stable, simple to fly, and easy to get used to.
Come along as the Ozone Team describes some of the benefits and pleasures of foot launched speed flying, in this new short film:
Cheers from all the Team.