The PPG Revolution Continues...
Published on:
19 Nov 2007
Anyone who has flown with Mathieu Rouanet and his friends knows that paramotoring is on the brink of a new age. With new destinations constantly being discovered in radically exotic and interesting locations around the world, and new types of wings becoming available to the public, we can only imagine where this sport is going in the next few years. If you haven't flown with Mathieu, then you need to check out this trailer for a new DVD that will be available to the public in the coming months. Funny Side of the Sky Productions has been working on getting their award winning film, Kimchee Session, into DVD format for all of you to enjoy. This DVD will contain some of the most amazing ppg footage in the history of the sport. To see a bit of South Korea from Mathieu Rouanet's point of view, click here to see the trailer. Or click here to see the web page. Mathieu is flying a Viper 20 and 24 in these clips. Enjoy... with paramotors, the possibilities are vast!