Mathieu Rouanet Smashes Slalom Record
Published on:
09 Jun 2007
UPDATE: June 14 - Mathieu has reduced his time to an amazing 45 seconds in an unofficial course run. His 48.2 second time is not yet ratified by the FAI due to the fact that it was not set while in 'competition' although there were FAI observers on scene who measured and approved the record. The 'Japanese Slalom' may be the greatest test of maneuverability skill in paramotoring. The pilot must weave through and around flexible slalom poles and actually make contact with them while running the course as fast as possible. The height of the poles is only 2m, so the pilot is constantly near the ground; this is the crux of the very technical test. Using an Ozone Viper 18m wing, Mathieu crushed Ramon Morillas's previous record of 56.95 seconds with an amazing 49.5 second time. He then returned to the course to better his time by another second, bringing it down to 48.2 seconds. Congratulations, Mathieu! We think this record might stick for a while, and we are looking forward to seeing the results of other pilots attempts to beat Mathieu's time. A glider with very agile handling and high speed is crucial to set a time as low as this. Mathieu said that he couldn't have done it without the Viper and that he feels very confident flying fast and maneuvering close to the ground because of the Viper's high stability at trim and in accelerated positions. The Viper is available in 2 sizes for Paramotor pilots who need max speed and performance from their wings, and the Roadster is now available in the M size; perfect for pilots who want max speed and performance from a certified, intermediate level reflex wing.