The Ozone Caribbean XC Challenge... 2008!
Published on:
14 Oct 2007
Register now! It's filling up, and it's important to register now to ensure that you get the type of room setup that you desire (shared, single, double, etc). All pilots will be staying in the Marriot Hotel, which is a first class, clean, efficient, and organized hotel with fully modern amenities, a pool for you (and your family) and conference rooms for the de-briefings by Jocky Sanderson, king of XC coaching! This comp has filled up and been an adventure and a success for the past two years. We're excited to have the same great XC coaches returning, with a first class hotel and dates a bit later in the season to help ensure good XC conditions. For hotel details, click here. Jocky Sanderson(UK), Jerome Canaud(FR), and Daniel Crespo(ES), will all be on site to coach and assist pilots in their XC route finding and competition flying. The Ozone Caribbean XC Challenge has become the world's premier Open Distance / OLC Rules comp, so don't miss it! Cloudbase in shorts, low stress friendly environment, daily coaching and debriefings on competition and XC flying, and of course a load of Ozone prizes! See you down there... click here to register. Photos at right C www.ojovolodar.com