Spanish pilots testing the new Speedster 3 in long cross country flights
Published on:
26 Oct 2020
On the October 18, two Spanish pilots Alex Pujol and Xavi Arellano from the Paramotor Barcelona club made one of the largest cross country flights ever made in Spain crossing the country from the south coast to the north in just one day!
Xavi and Alex took at 8.30 am from Zumaya (Gipuzkoa), flew 440 km, 7 h 11’ with two refueling stops and landed in Cubelles (Barcelona).
The first part of the flight was 180 km and 2h 45 min pleasant with calm weather conditions and tail wind, the cruising speed was 65-75 km/h. They set a course to Ustárroz crossing all the Basque Mountains, next to Murillo de Gallego where they landed to get more fuel.
The next goal was Lleida, the Volager paramotor school, where they made the 2nd refueling stop after 170 km. Last leg was the most difficult because of thermal conditions but at around 17.15 they made it to the final goal – Mediterranean coast.
Several colleagues from the Paramotor Barcelona club were waiting for them on the beach at Cubelles, including Armand Rubiella, the boss of Paramotor Barcelona club and their main supporter.
Alex was flying new Ozone Speedster 3 20 and Xavi Ozone Sirocco 2 19.
On the same day, another Spanish pilot and also from Paramotor Barcelona Club - Lluis Rojas - flew nonstop 303 km FIA triangle with the new Speedster 3 26. He took off at 8 am from Paramotor Barcelona Club to fly 5 hours and 27 min with an average speed was approximately 56,07 km/h. The aim was to fly as fast as possible so he used all trimmer range all the route. Lluis says: “Speedster 3 is an ultimate wing to make long distance flights! I flew all the time at full speed trim, and more than half time add the full speed bar. The wing is fast and very stable! A great pleasure to fly. Impossible try to do this flight with another wing!!”.
What a great test of the new Speedster 3!
Big Congratulations from all the Ozone Team