Ozone pilots win Nationals in UK and Italy
Published on:
29 Jun 2016
The British Open and National Championship was held from June 25 – 28 at Coleshill, Swindon, UK, and nineteen pilots competed including the UK top pilots. The weather conditions allowed competitors to fly each day, with 10 navigation, economy, and precision tasks. Ozone Team pilot Mark Morgan finished 2nd flying his new Viper 4 18. Mark reports: “Thanks to the Viper 4 I had my best ever competition result getting 2nd at the UK Open Paramotor championships. It could have been first place if I hadn't made a rookie mistake on the eco distance... The Competition was a huge challenge for all competitors due to the strong gusty and thermic conditions but the Viper 4 held strong during all the tasks. Love this wing!”The 2016 Italian championships consisted of 3 events in May and June taking place in different locations around Italy, and this was the largest year yet for Italian PPG comps. The level of the competition was also higher than years before, and during most of the events turbulent weather demanded higher than average skill to compete. Pasquale Biondo and Sandro Passeri, Ozone Power Italian Team pilots, swept the competition scene in good style taking 1st and 2nd place overall! Both Sandro and Pasquale were flying the Viper 3.
Pasquale reports: “The Final competition was demanding because of the hilly terrain and sometimes turbulent conditions. I have won all three competitions and therefore I won the title of Italian Champion. The competition was tough fight between me and the previous Italian champion Sandro Passeri. In the final competition there was a nice head to head until the last task, which it was a navigation that has allowed us to fly more than 120 km on the beautiful landscape of the Marche. It was very nice to fly my Viper 3, especially in economy tasks!”
Congratulations everyone, and thanks for flying OZONE!