Ozone Welcomes Matias Borba To Our Team
Matias Borba discovered paragliding in the Andes in 2009 during a kayak trip and two years later, he already had his own paramotor and a winch to tow himself on the flatlands of his native Uruguay.
Since then, his life revolves around flying and he has traveled to different places in Brazil, Argentina and Chile learning and racking hours, which has allowed him to gain experience in paramotoring, cross country and tandem flying.
He always liked the idea of doing acro with the paramotor and after a trip to Organyà in 2015, he learned how to do tricks like infinity tumbling, helicopters, dynamic stalls, SAT and other classics.
In addition to acrobatics, Matías loves flying in the clouds, discovering new places, helping and sharing with the flying community.
We're proud to have Matias on our team and we're looking forward to many adventures together!
More about Matias on his profile here.
Cheers from All The Ozone Team